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New Functions for Business Connections on Telegram: How They Work getBusinessConnection

How to Activate Your Telegram Premium Account with Automated BOT Replies

I was searching for a way to activate my Telegram premium account … read more

Business_connection_id Sample data Telegram - N8N,tfico, steel blades, california, atlanta, georgia, Maharashtra,Andhra Pradesh,Hyderabad,Baden-Wurttemberg, St Louis, Missouri, industrial knives uae, dubai machine blades, Belarus Knives, Belarus steel blades, Sharjah Industrial Knives,
Business_connection_id Sample data Telegram – N8N,blades, california, atlanta, georgia, 

Business_connection_id Sample data Telegram – N8N

ChatBots Replying on your Busienss account behalf – BusinessConnection – getBusinessConnection
ChatBots Replying on your Busienss account behalf – BusinessConnection – getBusinessConnection

How to Activate Your Telegram Premium Account with Automated BOT Replies

I was searching for a way to activate my Telegram premium account with a BOT that could reply automatically to my customers. I found a solution and now I am sharing with you how to do it and how to activate it to access better BOT functionalities.

Create Your Bot Using ‘@botfather’

Start by creating your bot using the ‘@botfather’ bot on Telegram.

Activate ‘Business Mode’ in Bot Settings

Once you have created your bot, go to ‘Bot Setting’ and activate ‘Business Mode’ to enable more advanced features.

Set Up ChatBots in Your Profile Settings

In your profile settings, navigate to ‘Telegram Business’ and tap on ‘ChatBots’. This will allow you to configure and manage your chatbots.

Final Step: Add Your Bot

Type the username of the bot you created in the previous steps and then you can start using it to automate replies and interact with your customers.