General concept of life

Simply no to Po**r**n

Why Things Like Pornography Can Harm Real-life Relationships

Let’s think about how stuff like pornography can mess up real-life friendships and love life. This is a big worry for many people. The science of the brain explains why too much exposure to dopamine-releasing activities, like pornography, can make it harder to enjoy regular interactions as much.

Understanding the Impact vs. Ethical Views of Pornography

But remember, talking about whether pornography is right or wrong is different from understanding its effect on the brain. Whether someone likes or dislikes pornography is a personal choice, decided by things like their age and beliefs.

How Dopamine-Triggering Activities Can Lead to Addiction

Any activity that releases a lot of dopamine, the feel-good chemical in our brain, could lead to addiction. If a person is always after a drug or activity that gives a big dopamine rush, their normal dopamine levels drop. As a result, they might feel bad or struggle in everyday situations.

The Misunderstanding About Dopamine Release and the Consequences

Some people wrongly think that doing the same dopamine-releasing activity will make them feel as good as the first time and raise their normal levels again. But this usually results in even lower dopamine levels, making it harder to feel happy. This pattern happens not only with pornography, but also with other addictive behaviors like too much video gaming.

Negative Effects of Addiction

Addiction can cause people to lose interest in other parts of life, like friendships, school, and their own well-being. In the worst cases, they might feel very depressed and think about ending their lives.

Impact of Regular Dopamine-Evoking Activities

Even in a more normal situation, where a person has a balanced lifestyle, regularly doing things that release dopamine, like working out, drinking alcohol, or eating tasty foods, can affect them. These activities might seem okay when done in moderation, but they all release dopamine. Over time, this can lower the normal level of dopamine, leading to feelings of exhaustion and less pleasure.

The Role of Dopamine and the Importance of Balance

Dopamine is important for craving, motivation, desire, and pleasure. But balance is key. Understanding how big and small dopamine releases interact can help us make choices that keep our dopamine levels healthy while still allowing us to feel motivated and desirous occasionally.

Making Conscious Decisions for Healthy Dopamine Levels

Doing things we enjoy is a vital part of life, and dopamine is a helpful chemical in our brain. The trick is to understand how big and small dopamine releases interact and affect each other. By doing this, we can make decisions that maintain or even raise our normal dopamine levels while still enjoying the positive effects of big dopamine releases. These are important for personal growth and life progression.

Hormones and Me How to make myself better

Dopamine and Life 8 July 2023

The Impact of Dopamine-Evoking Activities on Our Lives

Neurobiological Impact of Pornography

It becomes obvious why things like pornography, not just its accessibility but also its intensity, can negatively shape real-world romantic and sexual interactions. This is a serious concern that is currently being discussed. The underlying neurobiological mechanisms explain why engaging in activities that evoke a lot of dopamine release, such as pornography, can make it harder to achieve the same level of pleasure and satisfaction in subsequent interactions.

Moral and Ethical Considerations

However, it’s important to note that discussing the ethical and moral aspects of pornography is separate from understanding its impact on neurobiology. Whether or not people like or dislike pornography is a subjective matter that individuals need to decide for themselves based on factors like age and personal values.

Dopamine, Addiction, and Real-world Interactions

That being said, any activity that triggers a significant release of dopamine can potentially lead to addiction. When someone consistently pursues a drug or activity that causes large dopamine increases, their baseline dopamine levels drop due to the depletion of dopamine in the brain’s readily releasable pool. As a result, they may feel lousy or experience challenges in real-world interactions.

The Vicious Cycle of Dopamine Release

In some cases, individuals mistakenly believe that engaging in the same dopamine-releasing activity will bring back the initial peak and raise their baseline levels again. However, this pursuit often leads to further dopamine depletion, making it increasingly difficult to experience pleasure. This pattern is observed not only with pornography but also with other addictive behaviors like excessive video gaming.

Consequences of Addiction

Addiction can lead to a progressive narrowing of the activities that bring pleasure, causing individuals to lose interest in other aspects of life, such as relationships, academics, and well-being. Eventually, they may even experience severe depression, which can have devastating consequences, including suicidal ideation.

Dopamine and a Balanced Lifestyle

In a more typical scenario, where someone maintains a balanced lifestyle, regularly engaging in activities that evoke dopamine release, such as exercising, drinking alcohol, or indulging in pleasurable foods, can still have an impact. While these activities may appear infrequent or moderate individually, dopamine is evoked by all of them. Over time, consistently spiking dopamine levels can lead to a progressive drop in the baseline level, resulting in a feeling of burnout, reduced energy, and diminished pleasure.

Understanding Dopamine: Peaks and Baselines

It’s important to recognize that dopamine plays a significant role in craving, motivation, desire, and pleasure. However, maintaining a healthy balance is crucial. Understanding the relationship between dopamine peaks and baselines can help individuals make informed choices to preserve and potentially elevate their baseline dopamine levels while still experiencing occasional peaks of motivation and desire.

The Key to Balanced Dopamine Levels

Engaging in enjoyable activities is an essential part of life, and dopamine itself is a valuable neurotransmitter. The key lies in comprehending how peaks and baselines interact and influence each other, enabling individuals to make conscious decisions that support their dopamine levels in the short and long term. By doing so, one can maintain or even raise their baseline dopamine levels while still experiencing the positive effects of dopamine peaks, which are integral to personal growth and life progression.

Here is the whole thing in much simpler words refer to this link

point of view on personality types

How can I respond constructively and effectively when my girlfriend attempts to embarrass me?

How can I respond constructively and effectively when my girlfriend attempts to embarrass me?

When you’re in a spot where your girlfriend, or anyone else, tries to make you feel embarrassed, it’s crucial to keep your cool and react in a way that shows you respect both yourself and the other person. Here are a few things you can do:

  1. Crack a Joke: If things aren’t too serious, laughing it off could be a great way to handle the embarrassment. This shows you’ve got a sense of humor and don’t get upset easily, which might help cool things down. Just be sure your joke isn’t mean or sarcastic, as that could make things worse.
  2. Stay Cool and Collected: Reacting with anger or getting defensive could just fan the flames. Try to stay calm and avoid responses that could make things even more heated.
  3. Speak Up Confidently: If what they’re doing is really hurting you or crossing a boundary, it’s important to let them know how you feel. Talk about your feelings using “I” statements. For instance, you might say, “When you try to embarrass me like that, I feel disrespected. I’d appreciate it if you showed me more respect.”
  4. Ignore: If this keeps happening and talking hasn’t solved anything, it might be best to just not react. By not giving them the reaction they’re after, you’re not letting yourself be embarrassed.
  5. Have a Heart-to-Heart: If your girlfriend keeps trying to embarrass you, it might be time for a serious chat. Discuss your feelings with her one-on-one, and let her know how her actions make you feel.
  6. Get Some Professional Advice: If this keeps up and it’s affecting your mental well-being or self-confidence, you might want to think about getting some guidance from a professional counselor or therapist. They can provide tips for handling these situations and help facilitate a conversation between you and your girlfriend if needed.

How can I use a bit of humor to lighten the mood and make things less embarrassing?

Humor can be a great way to lighten the mood, get along better with others, and change how a conversation is going. Here are seven ways you can use humor, with some examples:

  1. Making Fun of Yourself (Self-deprecation:): This is when you joke about your own mistakes or situations. It shows you don’t take yourself too seriously. Like, if someone teases you about always being late, you could say, “Yeah, you can always count on me for a surprise entrance!”
  2. Puns or Wordplay: A good pun or clever wordplay can make things less tense and steer the conversation in a different direction. Like, if someone teases you about your cooking, you could say, “Yeah, my meals are really a hit or ‘miss-steak’.”
  3. Go Over the Top (Absurd Exaggerations): If you make the situation sound really crazy and exaggerated, it can make it funny and take the focus off the embarrassing part. Like, if you’re teased about always getting lost, you could say, “Totally! I could even get lost in my own closet.”
  4. Smart Comebacks (Witty Comebacks): If you do it right, a clever comeback can make the situation more fun. Just make sure it’s light and not mean. Like, if your girlfriend teases you about driving slow, you could say, “If you think my driving’s slow, you should see me doing yoga!”
  5. Inside Jokes or Memories (Shared Jokes or Memories): Mentioning a joke or funny memory that you both share can change the conversation’s vibe. Like, “Remember when we got lost in the park? Guess I still can’t find my way!”
  6. Funny Remarks about What’s Going On (Observational Humor): Saying something funny about what’s happening or where you are can take the focus off you. Like, if your girlfriend teases you about being scared of spiders, you could point to a plastic spider and say, “Beware, there’s my nemesis!”
  7. Funny Stories (Funny Anecdotes): Telling a funny story related to what you’re talking about can make the mood lighter and shift the focus from the embarrassing bit. Like, if you’re teased about forgetting stuff, you could share a funny story about a time you forgot something and something hilarious happened.

Some examples of how I to use the above humor techniques to make light of the situation on cases where I tend to perspire heavily:

Here are some examples of how you might use humor to handle a situation where you’re sweating excessively:

  1. Self-deprecation: “I’m not just a man, I’m a portable water fountain!” or “Who needs a sauna when you’ve got me around?”
  2. Puns or Play on Words: “You could say I’m really good at ‘sweating the small stuff’” or “I don’t just ‘glisten’, I shower!”
  3. Absurd Exaggeration: “I’m not sweating, I’m just melting because of my hot personality!” or “I’m so cool, even my pores want to give out a cold drink.”
  4. Witty Comebacks: “At least my body knows how to cool off effectively!” or “I don’t sweat, I leak awesomeness.”

I have a high libido and often desire intimacy. How can I lighten the mood and reduce any awkwardness using these humor strategies?

  1. Self-deprecation: Lightly tease yourself about your high “`S_e*!x“` drive, demonstrating you don’t take yourself too seriously. For example, “I guess when they were handing out “`S_e*!x“` drives, I thought they said ‘drives to the beach.’ I do love the beach.”
  2. Puns or Play on Words: Use playful language related to your situation. For instance, “I’ve always believed in being ‘active’ – some prefer the gym, I just have a different fitness routine.”
  3. Absurd Exaggeration: Blow your situation out of proportion to highlight its humorous side. For example, “I’m so “`S_e*!x“`ually active, I’m pretty sure I single-handedly support the condom industry.”
  4. Witty Comebacks: If teased about your active “`S_e*!x“` life, respond with a light-hearted comment, like “If being “`S_e*!x“`ually active was an Olympic sport, I’m confident I’d be bringing home the gold.”
  5. Inside Jokes or Memories: Use an inside joke or memory about your “`S_e*!x“` drive to lighten the mood. For example, if there was a funny mix-up related to a date night, you could say, “Remember when I thought you said ‘lace’ when you actually said ‘race’ and showed up in that lingerie to the marathon? Talk about taking ‘active’ to a new level!”
  6. Funny Remarks about What’s Going On: Make a humorous observation about the present situation that may be related to your libido. For example, if you’re in a grocery store, you could joke, “You know, seeing all these cucumbers and zucchinis is really awakening my…vegetable love.”
  7. Funny Stories: Share an amusing anecdote related to your “`S_e*!x“`ual activity. For instance, “Did I ever tell you about the time when my neighbor thought I was running a secret boot camp because of all the ‘heavy breathing’ sounds from my apartment?”

Keep in mind, the key is to maintain respect and consideration for your partner’s feelings and comfort level and the perception of humor can vary greatly among individuals. The objective here is to alleviate any possible discomfort by adopting a lighter, less serious approach towards oneself. As long as the jest sits well with you, and doesn’t come across as offensive or injurious to others, it can serve as an efficient strategy to navigate a potentially uneasy scenario.

point of view on personality types

Sense of Humor

Sense of Humor

Using humor as a manager can be a powerful tool for building rapport, fostering a positive work environment, and managing people effectively. Here are some ways a manager can use a sense of humor:

  1. Ice-breaking and team building: Humor can help break the ice and create a relaxed atmosphere among team members. It can be used to initiate conversations, lighten tense situations, and encourage open communication.
  2. Diffusing tension: In high-pressure or stressful situations, a well-timed joke or light-hearted comment can help diffuse tension and reduce anxiety. This can help employees feel more at ease and improve their ability to handle challenges.
  3. Building relationships: Sharing a sense of humor can create a sense of camaraderie between a manager and their team members. It can foster stronger relationships, increase trust, and make employees more comfortable approaching their manager with concerns or ideas.
  4. Enhancing creativity and problem-solving: Humor encourages creative thinking by stimulating different parts of the brain. It can help people approach problems from new perspectives and generate innovative solutions. Incorporating humor into brainstorming sessions or team meetings can boost creativity and engagement.
  5. Motivating and energizing: Using humor can inject energy and enthusiasm into the workplace. A well-placed joke or light-hearted comment can uplift spirits, motivate employees, and increase their overall job satisfaction.
  6. Demonstrating approachability: A manager who uses humor shows that they are approachable and down-to-earth. This can encourage employees to feel comfortable seeking guidance or sharing their ideas without fear of judgment.
Hormones and Me How to make myself better

How to Master Our Emotions?

How to Master Our Emotions?

Mastering our emotions can be a challenging task, but with practice and dedication, it is possible to gain greater control over our emotional responses. Here are some tips to help you master your emotions:

  1. Practice mindfulness: Mindfulness is the practice of being present in the moment and observing our thoughts and emotions without judgment. By practicing mindfulness regularly, you can become more aware of your emotional responses and learn to regulate them more effectively.
  2. Identify your triggers: Take note of situations, people or events that tend to trigger intense emotional responses in you. Once you have identified your triggers, you can begin to develop strategies to manage your emotions in those situations.
  3. Reframe negative thoughts: Our emotions are often triggered by the way we think about a situation. By reframing negative thoughts and adopting a more positive perspective, you can shift your emotional response and reduce negative emotions such as anger, anxiety, and fear.
  4. Practice self-care: Taking care of yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally can help you manage your emotions more effectively. Make sure you are getting enough sleep, exercise, and nutrition, and practice activities that help you relax and reduce stress, such as yoga or meditation.
  5. Seek support: It’s important to have a support system in place to help you manage your emotions. This could include friends, family members, or a mental health professional.

Keep in mind, to get in to a position where we become the master of our emotions is a lifelong journey, and it’s okay to make mistakes in this journey and experience intense emotions time to time. With practice and dedication, however, you can learn to manage your emotions more effectively and lead a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Point of View about Business Life

Value Arbitrage

Value Arbitrage

Value arbitrage is an investment strategy that seeks to identify and exploit mispricings in securities or assets by buying undervalued assets and selling overvalued assets with the goal of generating a profit. This strategy is based on the belief that the market will eventually correct these mispricings, resulting in the convergence of prices towards their true value. In essence, value arbitrage involves taking advantage of the difference between an asset’s current market price and its perceived intrinsic value.

Some common types of value arbitrage include:

Merger arbitrage: buying the stock of a company that is being acquired, with the expectation that the stock price will increase upon the completion of the merger

Statistical arbitrage: using statistical models and algorithms to identify mispricings in securities and take advantage of price disparities

Distressed debt arbitrage: buying the debt of financially troubled companies at a discount, with the expectation that the company will recover and the debt will increase in value

Event-driven arbitrage: taking advantage of changes in a company or industry due to specific events such as mergers, acquisitions, spin-offs, or bankruptcies.

It is important to note that value arbitrage can be a high-risk, high-reward strategy and requires careful research and analysis before making any investment decisions.

point of view on personality types



Selfless individuals are those who prioritize the needs and well-being of others over their own. They are often described as generous, compassionate, and unselfish. They may engage in acts of kindness or volunteer work, and put the needs of others before their own desires or interests.

Disadvantages of selflessness

  1. Neglecting one’s own needs and wants: Selfless individuals may have a tendency to put the needs of others before their own, which can lead to neglecting their own physical, emotional, or mental well-being. This can lead to feelings of burnout, exhaustion, or resentment.
  2. Difficulty setting boundaries and saying “no” to others: Selfless individuals may have a hard time setting boundaries and saying “no” to others, as they may feel guilty or selfish for not helping or accommodating to others’ requests. This can lead to overextending oneself, leading to burnout or resentment.
  3. Risk of burnout or exhaustion: Constantly putting the needs of others before one’s own can lead to physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion. This can lead to a decrease in overall well-being and an increased risk of mental health issues such as depression or anxiety.
  4. Difficulty receiving help or support from others: Selfless individuals may have a hard time asking for or accepting help from others, as they may feel that they should be able to handle everything on their own. This can lead to feelings of isolation and a lack of support.
  5. Being taken advantage of by others: Selfless individuals may be more susceptible to being taken advantage of by others, as they may be more likely to go along with requests or demands from others. This can lead to feeling used or resentful.
  6. Difficulty asserting oneself: Selfless individuals may have a hard time asserting themselves or standing up for their own needs and wants. This can lead to feelings of powerlessness and a lack of control over one’s life.
  7. Difficulty prioritizing: Selfless people may have difficulty in prioritizing and making decisions based on their best interest. They may struggle to make decisions that prioritize their own needs and wants.
  8. Lack of personal growth: A selfless person may find it hard to focus on their own personal growth and development. They may also struggle to achieve their own goals as they will often prioritize the needs of others over their own.
  9. Inability to maintain healthy relationships: Selflessness can cause strain on relationships, as selfless individuals may struggle to communicate their own needs and wants. This can lead to feelings of unfulfillment and dissatisfaction in relationships.
  10. Constant guilt: Constantly putting the needs of others before one’s own can lead to feelings of guilt, even when not necessary. This can cause negative effects on mental well-being, such as depression and anxiety.

Advantage of Selflessness

Increased empathy and compassion: Selfless individuals tend to have a strong sense of empathy and compassion towards others, which allows them to understand and relate to the feelings and needs of others. This can lead to stronger and more meaningful relationships with others.Improved mental and emotional well-being: Studies have shown that engaging in acts of kindness and selflessness can improve overall mental and emotional well-being. This can lead to feelings of happiness and fulfillment, as well as a decrease in symptoms of depression and anxiety.Increased sense of purpose: Selfless individuals often find a sense of purpose and meaning in their actions, as they are able to make a positive impact on the lives of others. This can lead to a greater sense of fulfillment and satisfaction in life.Stronger relationships: Selfless individuals tend to have strong and supportive relationships, as they are often viewed as dependable, caring, and trustworthy. This can lead to a greater sense of connectedness and support in one’s life.Positive impact on the community: Selfless individuals tend to be active in their communities and often engage in volunteer work or other forms of community service. This can lead to a positive impact on the community, as well as a greater sense of belonging and connection to one’s community.Increased self-esteem: Helping others can boost self-esteem and self-worth, as selfless individuals tend to see themselves as capable and valuable.Improved physical health: Selflessness can lead to improved physical health, as it can help to reduce stress and improve overall well-being.More opportunities to learn and grow: Helping others can provide opportunities to learn new skills and gain new experiences, and thus can lead to personal growth and development.More opportunity to give back: Selflessness allows individuals to give back and make a difference in the world, which can lead to a greater sense of purpose and fulfillment.A sense of belonging: Selflessness can create a sense of belonging, as it connects people with a common goal of helping others and creates a sense of community. This can lead to a greater sense of belonging and a feeling of being part of something bigger than oneself.

Selflessness can be a complex trait, it can have both positive and negative effects. On one hand, it can lead to increased empathy and compassion, improved mental and emotional well-being, and a positive impact on the community. On the other hand, it can lead to neglecting one’s own needs, difficulty setting boundaries and difficulty asserting oneself, which can have negative effects on one’s well-being and relationships. It’s important for individuals to find a balance and practice self-care while being selfless.


On benefits of Ginger

On benefits of Ginger

To have Ginger on our diets (this precious vegetable on earth!) brings us benefits. health is one of them! Sharpness! and Balance!

  1. Anti-inflammatory properties: ginger contains compounds called gingerols and shogaols that have anti-inflammatory effects on the body, making it useful in treating conditions such as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
  2. May improve digestion: ginger has been traditionally used to relieve symptoms of indigestion and nausea. It can also stimulate the production of bile and enzymes, helping to break down food more effectively.
  3. May lower blood sugar levels: ginger has been found to have a positive effect on blood sugar control in people with type 2 diabetes.
  4. May reduce menstrual pain: ginger has been traditionally used to alleviate menstrual cramps and other symptoms of menstruation.
  5. May lower cholesterol levels: ginger has been found to lower cholesterol levels, which can help to reduce the risk of heart disease.
  6. May improve heart health: ginger has been found to have a positive effect on blood pressure, which can help to improve heart health.
  7. May have anti-cancer properties: ginger has been found to have anti-cancer properties, which may help to prevent the growth of certain types of cancer cells.
  8. May boost brain function: ginger has been found to improve cognitive function, making it a useful herb for people with age-related cognitive decline.
  9. May have antioxidant properties: ginger contains antioxidants that can help to protect the body against damage caused by free radicals.
  10. May help fight infections: ginger has been found to have anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties, making it useful in fighting off infections.
  11. May have anti-platelet properties: ginger has been found to have anti-platelet properties, which can help to reduce the risk of blood clots.
  12. May have anti-inflammatory properties: ginger has anti-inflammatory effects on the body, making it useful in treating conditions such as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
  13. May improve respiratory conditions: ginger has been traditionally used to treat respiratory conditions such as asthma and bronchitis.
  14. May improve osteoarthritis: ginger has anti-inflammatory properties that can help to reduce pain and stiffness associated with osteoarthritis.
  15. May improve laryngeal and lung cancer: ginger has been found to have anti-cancer properties which may help to prevent the growth of certain types of cancer cells.
  16. May improve liver function: ginger has been found to have a positive effect on liver function, which can help to reduce the risk of liver disease.
  17. May improve nausea and vomiting: ginger has been traditionally used to alleviate nausea and vomiting caused by morning sickness, chemotherapy, and surgery.
  18. May improve oral health: ginger has been found to have a positive effect on oral health, helping to reduce plaque and gingivitis.
  19. May improve skin health: ginger has been traditionally used to improve skin health, helping to reduce inflammation and redness.
  20. May be used as a natural remedy for headaches and migraines: ginger has been traditionally used to alleviate headaches and migraines.
  21. May help with weight loss: ginger has been found to have thermogenic properties that can help boost metabolism and burn fat.
  22. May have anti-ageing properties: ginger has been found to have anti-ageing properties, which can help to delay the signs of ageing.

As always, it is best to consume ginger in moderate amounts as overconsumption may lead to some side effects like heartburn, gas, bloating, and upset stomach. It’s also worth noting that some people may be allergic to ginger and should avoid consuming it. Also, pregnant women should also be cautious when consuming ginger as it may have blood-thinning effects and may cause bleeding. Always consult with your healthcare provider before adding ginger to your diet or taking ginger supplements.

time and human being age

Age and desires

Age and desires

The desires of human beings change as they age, and can also vary between genders.

For infants (0-5 years old), basic needs such as food, shelter, and warmth are most important. As they grow into toddlers (5-10 years old), they begin to develop more complex needs such as social interaction and play.

During childhood (10-15 years old), individuals may desire more independence and autonomy. This can manifest as a desire for more privacy or control over their own schedule.

In adolescence (15-20 years old), individuals may experience a strong desire for acceptance and belonging, as well as a desire to form romantic relationships.

As young adults (20-25 years old), individuals may focus on building their careers and establishing themselves financially. They may also have a desire for independence and self-reliance.

In the mid-20s to early 30s (25-30 years old), individuals may begin to consider starting a family and may have a desire for companionship and stability.

As people enter middle age (30-60 years old), their desires may shift towards maintaining their health and well-being, and providing for and spending time with their family. This can also be the time when people start to think about retirement and plan for their future.

As people enter their 30s (30-35 years old), they may continue to focus on building their careers, establish themselves financially and stability in their personal life. They may also begin to consider starting a family and may have a desire for companionship.

In the mid-30s to early 40s (35-40 years old), individuals may be in the midst of building their careers and raising a family. They may have a desire for a balance between work and family life. They may also start to think about their long-term financial security and planning for their children’s future.

As people enter their 40s (40-45 years old), they may have a desire to continue to advance in their careers and provide for their family. They may also be thinking about their own health and well-being as they age.

In the mid-40s to early 50s (45-50 years old), individuals may be nearing the peak of their careers and may have a desire to make a lasting impact in their field. They may also be more focused on maintaining a work-life balance and spending time with their family.

As people enter their 50s (50-55 years old), they may be thinking more about retirement and planning for their future. They may also have a desire to stay active and healthy in order to enjoy their retirement years.

As people enter their late 50s and early 60s (55-60 years old), they may be nearing retirement and may have a desire to spend time with family, travel, or pursue hobbies and interests they never had time for before. They may also be thinking about passing on their knowledge and experience to the next generation.

It’s important to note that these are general patterns and that everyone’s desires and experiences will be unique.

General concept of life

We become what we think about

We become what we think about

The idea that “we become what we think about” is rooted in the concept of the power of positive thinking. This theory suggests that if we focus our thoughts on positive and constructive ideas, we will be more likely to achieve success and happiness in our lives.

One way in which this theory is thought to work is through the concept of self-fulfilling prophecies. When we have positive thoughts and beliefs about ourselves and our abilities, we are more likely to take action and make decisions that align with those beliefs. This in turn can lead to achieving our goals and making our positive thoughts a reality.

Another way in which positive thinking is thought to impact our lives is through the placebo effect. Studies have shown that simply believing that something will have a positive impact on our health can actually lead to real physical changes in the body. This suggests that the power of our thoughts and beliefs can have a direct impact on our physical well-being.

It’s also important to note that the reverse is also true: if we focus on negative thoughts and beliefs, we may be more likely to encounter difficulties and setbacks. Negative thinking can lead to feelings of hopelessness and helplessness, making it harder to take action and make positive changes in our lives.

That being said, it’s important to note that the relationship between our thoughts and our actions is complex, and it’s not always clear cut. There are many other factors that influence our behavior, including past experiences, genetics, and social and cultural influences.

In conclusion, the idea that “we become what we think about” suggests that our thoughts and beliefs have a powerful impact on our lives. By focusing on positive thoughts and beliefs, we can increase our chances of achieving success and happiness. However, it’s important to remember that there are many other factors that influence our behavior and that the relationship between our thoughts and our actions is complex.

General concept of life

What are top 10 indicators of one’s adulthood?


Adulthood is a period of physical and psychological development that begins in the teenage years and continues through old age. It is characterized by a number of key milestones, such as the attainment of physical maturity, the ability to independently support oneself, and the development of a stable identity.

One of the key responsibilities of adulthood is to assume control of one’s own life and make independent decisions. This includes taking responsibility for one’s own actions, being self-sufficient and self-supporting, and making choices that will affect one’s future. Additionally, adulthood typically involves forming and maintaining relationships, building a career, and becoming a responsible member of society.

What are signs of becoming and an adult?

There are several signs that indicate someone is becoming an adult. Some of the most common include:

  1. Physical maturity: The onset of puberty and the completion of growth and development are key indicators of physical maturity.
  2. Emotional maturity: Adults have a better understanding of their emotions and are better able to regulate them. They are able to handle stress and difficult situations in a more effective way.
  3. Independence: Adults are able to live independently, make their own decisions, and take responsibility for their own lives.
  4. Financial responsibility: Adults are able to support themselves financially and manage their money responsibly.
  5. Career development: Adults are generally focused on building a career, whether that be through pursuing higher education or starting a job.
  6. Social maturity: Adults have developed the ability to form and maintain meaningful relationships, and they are able to build a sense of community.
  7. Sense of self: Adults have a stable sense of self-identity, they have a good understanding of who they are, what they want and what they stand for.
  8. Responsible citizen: Adults are taking responsibility for their actions and are contributing positively to their community and society.

How to test if someone is adult in real life examples?

As we discussed the signs of adulthood in previous paragraph there are several ways to observe if a person is an adult in real life. Some examples include:

  1. Physical maturity: An adult will typically have reached the end of their growth and development and will have the physical characteristics of an adult such as being taller, having a deeper voice, and having fully developed secondary sexual characteristics.
  2. Emotional maturity: An adult will typically be able to regulate their emotions, handle stress and difficult situations in a calm and composed manner, and show empathy and understanding towards others.
  3. Independence: An adult will typically be able to live independently, make their own decisions, and take responsibility for their own lives. They will be able to handle the day-to-day responsibilities of adult life, such as paying bills and managing their own finances.
  4. Career development: An adult will typically be focused on building a career, whether that be through pursuing higher education or starting a job. They will have a clear idea of what they want to do in their professional life and will be taking steps towards achieving their goals.
  5. Social maturity: An adult will typically have developed the ability to form and maintain meaningful relationships, and they will be able to build a sense of community. They will be able to communicate effectively and understand the perspectives of others.
  6. Sense of self: An adult will typically have a stable sense of self-identity, they will have a good understanding of who they are, what they want and what they stand for.
  7. Responsible citizen: An adult will typically take responsibility for their actions and will be contributing positively to their community and society. They will understand the importance of civic engagement and will be involved in the community.

It’s important to keep in mind that these are general observations and not everyone will fit perfectly into these categories and that people can have different levels of maturity in each area.

General concept of life

What are the top method to be better version of myself?

What are the top method to be better version of myself?

There are many ways to work on becoming a better version of yourself, but some popular methods include:

  1. Setting and working towards specific goals: Identify what areas of your life you want to improve and set clear, measurable goals to help you get there.
  2. Developing positive habits: Focus on building positive habits that align with your goals, such as exercise, meditation, or journaling.
  3. Learning new skills: Take classes, read books, or find other ways to learn new skills that will help you achieve your goals.
  4. Practicing self-reflection: Take time to reflect on your thoughts, feelings, and actions, and consider how they impact your relationships and overall well-being.
  5. Building a support system: Surround yourself with people who will support you and hold you accountable as you work towards self-improvement.
  6. Practicing self-compassion: Being kind and understanding with yourself, instead of self-criticism.
  7. Taking care of your physical and mental health: Eating a healthy diet, getting enough sleep, and managing stress are all important for overall well-being.

It’s important to remember that self-improvement is an ongoing process and it’s okay to make mistakes. Be kind to yourself and keep working towards your goals.

General concept of life

I am for myself

I am for myself. say it to yourself.

Dear friends if continuously we have measuring tapes, scales or rulers in our hands checking others frequently, Then, well let me clear something! we need improvement!

Are we here to sit and spend time to check out others?! If we have hard time to find happiness, joy and well being within ourselves or see it hard to establish friendship and peace within ourselves, it is wise to know almost nothing would make you happier from outside.

The time you move toward some goal, remember, once you achieved it the feeling of emptiness would get dominant. Wouldn’t this hurt more?

Picture this! I am here to grow my growth! To Fulfil my duties! To be in competition with myself! I must break my own record! Even if we assume we finally got to the point where we broke someones else life record are we the winner?

Generational Thoughts and Reviews

Expectations from Parents

Expectations from Parents

It’s common for children and teenagers to have different expectations of their parents, and for parents to have different expectations of their children and teenagers. Children may expect their parents to provide for their basic needs, such as food, shelter, and clothing, as well as emotional support and guidance. As children grow older and become teenagers, they may begin to expect more independence and autonomy from their parents, and may also expect their parents to respect their privacy and trust them to make their own decisions. At the same time, parents may have different expectations for their children and teenagers as they grow and mature. For example, parents may expect their children to follow rules and respect authority, to do well in school, and to contribute to the family in positive ways.

Single Child or Multiple Children family?

Single child families and families with multiple children can be quite different in terms of the dynamics and experiences of the children and the parents. Some differences that may be present include:

  • Attention and resources: In a single child family, the child may receive more individual attention and resources from their parents, as there are no siblings to compete with. In a family with multiple children, resources may be divided among the siblings, and the children may have to share attention from their parents.
  • Relationship with siblings: Single children may not have the opportunity to develop close relationships with siblings, which can be an important source of support and companionship for many people. Children in families with multiple children may have stronger relationships with their siblings, but may also experience conflict and competition with them.
  • Parenting style: Parents of single children may have different parenting styles compared to parents of multiple children. For example, parents of single children may be more protective and overinvolved in their child’s life, while parents of multiple children may be more accustomed to juggling the needs of several children and may adopt a more laissez-faire approach.
  • Family dynamic: The dynamic of a single child family may be different from that of a multiple child family. Single child families may have a more intimate and cohesive family unit, while families with multiple children may have a more chaotic and hectic dynamic.

The Only-Child Stereotypes

It’s important to note that every individual is unique and will have their own specific expectations and personality traits, regardless of whether they are an only child or part of a larger family. However, there are some common expectations and stereotypes that may be associated with only children, including:

  • Independence: Only children may be expected to be more independent and self-sufficient than children with siblings, as they may not have the opportunity to rely on siblings for support and companionship.
  • High achievements: Only children may feel pressure to achieve academically and professionally, as they may feel that they have to live up to the expectations of their parents and the family as a whole.
  • Self-centeredness: Only children may be thought to be more self-centered and egocentric, as they may be used to getting more individual attention and resources from their parents.
  • Loneliness: Only children may be perceived as being lonely or lacking in social skills, as they may not have the opportunity to interact with siblings and learn to share and negotiate with others.

It’s important to remember that these are just stereotypes and that many only children do not exhibit these traits. Only children can be just as well-adjusted and successful as children with siblings.

The Siblings Family Stereotypes

Like only children, children with siblings are unique individuals who will have their own specific expectations and personality traits. However, there are some common expectations and stereotypes that may be associated with children with siblings, including:

  • Sharing and cooperation: Children with siblings may be expected to be more adept at sharing and cooperating with others, as they have had practice interacting with and compromising with their siblings.
  • Social skills: Children with siblings may be thought to have better social skills, as they have had more opportunities to interact with others and form relationships outside of the family.
  • Resilience: Children with siblings may be expected to be more resilient and able to handle conflicts and challenges, as they have had practice navigating relationships with others and resolving conflicts.
  • Competition: Children with siblings may be perceived as being more competitive, as they may be used to competing with their siblings for attention, resources, and recognition.

Again, it’s important to remember that these are just stereotypes and that many children with siblings do not exhibit these traits. Children with siblings can be just as well-adjusted and successful as only children.