General concept of life

Effects of Hurrying on Driving Styles

Effects of Hurrying on Driving Styles

Personal Observations on Driving

Life example: few days ago I had the story of driving with my family and I had this “observation” where the right of driving was with us yet because our speed was faster in taking actions and making decisions it comes to the point that we had to confront with the person *the lady* in front of us facing to us and she was calm and driving arrogantly slow, driving the car in front of us and we had to push her to go backwards! This was the case of life where I had to think afterward! I had to review it! After some thoughts, I came to this point as a personal observation that yes! the right in driving actually was with us! Was good to be the right in the moment in the driving! Yet we were in a hurry and the point was okay. When the police would come in similar situations, some accidents and they study about the accident they have to understand who was right who was wrong and yet I was thinking honestly sometimes police should not just measure about the rules, they should just measure and pay attention additionally to this point that who was in a hurry! Who made a decision while they were in a hurry!

Reflections on Decisiveness

Reflecting on the driving experience, the importance of decisiveness becomes apparent. It is crucial to make quick and effective decisions, especially in fast-paced situations. In this particular instance, our prompt action was necessary to avoid a potential collision. The value of being assertive in such moments is undeniable, but it also raises questions about balancing urgency with caution.

Consideration for Others

Another aspect that emerged from the driving incident was the consideration for others on the road. While we may have been in the right in terms of traffic rules, it is equally important to respect the pace and space of fellow drivers. The encounter with the slow-driving lady highlighted the need for patience and tolerance, even when faced with frustrating situations. It serves as a reminder to approach conflicts with empathy and understanding.

Law vs. Context

The interaction with the lady on the road also raised questions about the application of law in real-life scenarios. While traffic regulations provide a clear framework for determining right and wrong, they may not always account for the nuances of individual situations. The driver’s state of mind, urgency, and external factors can influence decision-making on the road, complicating the assessment of fault. This prompts a consideration for context and circumstances beyond legalities.

Hurrying in driving and the effects how to understand and investigate who was in hurry

General concept of life

How to Ensure Effective Rewarding System Setup

How to Ensure Effective Rewarding System Setup

In Management: The Establishment and Structure of Rewarding

Establishing a rewarding system in management is crucial for ensuring that people understand your approach and are motivated to work their best under your leadership. By showcasing a structure of rewards and incentives, you can inspire others to excel and earn recognition for their efforts. Drawing parallels to computer games, where players receive bonuses and demonstrations of their potential, the rewarding system should be designed to encourage continuous improvement.

Acting According to Your Structure

As a manager, it is important to demonstrate your rewarding system in action. By showing appreciation and acknowledging good work from the outset, you set the tone for a culture of recognition and achievement. Creating a positive environment where individuals feel valued and motivated to perform their best is key to organizational success.

Readiness to Reward

Having a set of rewards, compliments, and small gestures ready is essential for effectively rewarding those around you. Whether it’s a pat on the back or a small gift, the timing of the reward is critical. Being attentive to the right moment to acknowledge and reward someone can make a significant impact and strengthen relationships within the team.

How to establish Structured rewarding systems

General concept of life

Achieving Balance Between Mind and Physics in the Industrial World

Achieving Balance Between Mind and Physics in the Industrial World

Freedom in the world of mind. Imagine

We talked about it earlier in other posts, imagination is faculty of mind. Well now we will talk about the next level of thoughts. World of minds. Mind must be free not stuck. Yet Body must be slaved, engaged, and active in the physical world. Body should work like a workout to build to get stronger but to be active. Yet, the mind needs to be free, explore, and be relaxed to balance. It’s the job of myself; I mean the me off myself. Probably these things are hard for robots to understand about me, about thyself, about the self inside us. Be sure you are human; you can understand, digest, feel it, be engaged with it, and be immersed, and then me inside you.

Opportunities to create balance

So the question is how much opportunity we have to create the balance between the freedom of mind and the slaveness of the body. How well will we be improved in our life? We will be ahead of others if we slave our body and Free Your Mind. We can free our mind, feel good, and constructively slave our body.

Mind freedom Body activity

General concept of life

Understanding Color Spectrums and Dimensions

Understanding Color Spectrums and Dimensions

Exploring the Relationship Between Colors and Higher Dimensions

Is there any relationship between degrees and the spectrum of colors and higher dimensions? The first time that this question popped up in my head was when I was choosing colors from different palettes for our online design work. This question extended into my personal life as well, as I noticed the different degrees of color mixtures in various palettes. Each color has its own identity and is distinct from the next degree of color in its neighboring area. Colors are similar to the reflections of light in the ocean, appearing differently based on the materials they interact with. These variations make me wonder if colors are traces of higher dimensions in our world.

Colors as Reflections of Higher Dimensions in the 3D World

One aspect of this inquiry that stands out to me is the connection between colors and the movement of energy. While higher dimensions may not be visible to our eyes, the energy flowing through our 3D world must leave some evidence or traces behind. Could the colors around us be one of many manifestations of higher dimensions intersecting with our reality?

The Influence of Music and Rhythm from Higher Dimensions

Looking beyond colors, it is evident that music and rhythm also seem to emanate from higher dimensions. The beats, melodies, and harmonies in music symbolize a departure from the constraints of our 3D reality. They offer a glimpse into the possibility of realms beyond our current understanding.

Colors as a Medium for Higher Dimensions in the 3D Dimensional World

Returning to the topic of colors, I strongly believe that colors serve as reflections of the movement of higher dimensions within our 3D world. The varying shades and combinations of colors may mirror the complexities and interplay of energies from higher realms, subtly influencing our perception of reality.

Spectrum of colors and higher dimensions Dastouri de

Higher dimensions and connection to the color spectrum, Higher,dimensions,and,connection,to,the,color,spectrum

Connection between higher dimensions and different shades of colors, Connection,between,higher,dimensions,and,different,shades,of,colors

General concept of life

Is there a connection between sound frequency and personal growth and happiness?

Universe and frequency of sounds. Question relation of frequency and growth. Image Credit Forbes.

It’s been a while that I’m thinking about the sound of God and its frequency

Does the low frequency noises help growth of live being?

It’s been a while that I’m thinking what is the sound of God, what is the frequency of God, and why in movies they put very bold and low-frequency sound that indicates the sound of God. Why this screaming frequency is annoying while the sound of universe and calmness is in low frequency. These are the questions that are rotating in my head, and I would like to share here so we can discuss it.

Low frequency noises have been linked to various effects on living beings. For example, some studies suggest that low-frequency vibrations can promote the growth of certain plants by stimulating root development and enhancing nutrient uptake. Similarly, in animals, exposure to low-frequency sounds like those produced by certain musical instruments or natural sources has been found to have a calming effect and can even aid in stress reduction.

The Impact of Low-Frequency Sounds on Human Health

Low-frequency noises can also have an impact on human health. Some research indicates that exposure to certain low-frequency vibrations may have therapeutic benefits, such as reducing pain and inflammation, improving relaxation, and enhancing sleep quality. On the other hand, prolonged exposure to excessive low-frequency noise levels, such as those from industrial machinery or traffic, can lead to negative health effects like hearing loss, stress, and sleep disturbances.

Environmental Effects of Low-Frequency Noises

In the natural environment, low-frequency noises play a crucial role in communication among animals and insects. Many species use low-frequency vocalizations or signals to attract mates, warn of danger, or establish territories. Additionally, some marine mammals like whales and dolphins rely on low-frequency sounds for navigation and foraging, making these noises essential for their survival and communication within their communities.

General concept of life

How I’d Spend $1 Million a Month

How to spend $1 million per month income

Thinking and Imagining for Business Success

As a company owner and director, I’m constantly exploring ways to turn ideas into tangible products that engage our audience. One of the major challenges I contemplate is how to effectively manage a 1 million dollar monthly income for the company. Additionally, I ponder about what would be a suitable salary for myself as the director of the organization. In this discussion, I will delve deeper into these questions with my creative thinking, expertise, and experience.

Strategic Financial Management

Managing a substantial monthly income requires adept financial strategies. It involves budgeting wisely, allocating resources efficiently, investing intelligently, and ensuring the financial stability and growth of the company. By carefully planning and implementing financial decisions, we can maximize profits and benefit the company as a whole.

Setting Director’s Salary

Determining the appropriate salary for the director involves considering various factors such as market trends, industry standards, company performance, and personal contribution. It is essential to strike a balance between a competitive salary that reflects the director’s role and responsibilities while ensuring the company’s financial health and sustainability.

Meeting Targets and Exceeding Expectations

As the director, my role is not only to manage the company’s finances but also to lead the team towards achieving the set goals and exceeding expectations. By fostering innovation, fostering a collaborative environment, and motivating employees, we can drive the company towards success and growth.

Continuous Learning and Adaptation

In a dynamic business environment, continuous learning and adaptation are crucial for sustainability and relevance. Staying updated with industry trends, implementing new strategies, and embracing change are essential aspects of ensuring the company’s competitiveness and resilience.

General concept of life

Why Your Imagination Matters

Imagination, Dastouri de

Exploring the Validity of Our Imaginations

How valid are each of our imaginations are? How would a world of imaginations look like? How did Steve Jobs pull it off? How did Thomas Edison create them? Through harmonizing their frequencies with delta, alpha, or theta? Is Selva’s method really effective for them?

When we consider the achievements of visionaries like Steve Jobs and Thomas Edison, we are prompted to question the validity of our own imaginations. These great minds were able to bring their visions to life, shaping the world with their ideas. By harmonizing their frequencies with delta, alpha, or theta, they tapped into a deeper level of creativity.

The Path to Higher Dimensions

The fact that we can push the boundaries of what we think is possible indicates a connection to higher dimensions. Our ability to learn and adapt facilitates our journey towards realizing our imaginations. It is through this continuous process of growth and exploration that we can unlock new potentials within ourselves.

Manifesting Desires Through Thought

Now, we have the power to shape our reality by focusing our thoughts and intentions on what we desire. If we can conceive of something in our minds, then we have the ability to bring it into existence. By aligning our thoughts with our desires, we become the channels through which our dreams can manifest.

General concept of life

Do Our Emotions Come from Higher Realms or Just Hormones?

Some Sources for Hormones?

Contemplating the Higher Causes of Hormones

The Complexity of Hormones

It’s been a while, about 5 or 6 months, that I have been pondering the intricate causes behind the hormones produced in our bodies. We often overlook the profound impact hormones have on our emotions and well-being. They serve as messengers, guiding our feelings and responses, shaping our identity, and influencing our moods.

The Path from Sensation to Feeling

We see the world around us, we sense its stimuli, and then we experience the corresponding emotions. However, there are instances where our emotions arise without any prior sensory input. This mystical connection between sensation, emotion, and feeling is orchestrated by the enigmatic dance of hormones within our bodies.

Emotional Rollercoaster

From joyous highs to tearful lows, from moments of anger to bouts of anxiety, our emotions are a kaleidoscope of experiences sculpted by hormones. These biochemical messengers convey intricate signals that shape our perceptions and responses, unveiling the complexity of our inner workings.

The Gift of Awareness

Through the symphony of hormonal communication, we become conscious of our emotions and thoughts, fostering a deeper sense of self-awareness. It is through this awareness that we derive pleasure and satisfaction from the myriad emotions that color our lives.

A Call to Appreciation

While I may not fully comprehend the depths of hormonal intricacies, I recognize their omnipresence in our daily existence. It is a testament to their significance that we have grown accustomed to their silent orchestration within us. Let us take a moment to acknowledge and appreciate the indispensable role hormones play in shaping our emotional landscape.

point of view about IT world

New Functions for Business Connections on Telegram: How They Work getBusinessConnection

Business_connection_id Sample data Telegram - N8N,tfico, steel blades, california, atlanta, georgia, Maharashtra,Andhra Pradesh,Hyderabad,Baden-Wurttemberg, St Louis, Missouri, industrial knives uae, dubai machine blades, Belarus Knives, Belarus steel blades, Sharjah Industrial Knives,
Business_connection_id Sample data Telegram – N8N,blades, california, atlanta, georgia, 

Business_connection_id Sample data Telegram – N8N

ChatBots Replying on your Busienss account behalf – BusinessConnection – getBusinessConnection
ChatBots Replying on your Busienss account behalf – BusinessConnection – getBusinessConnection

How to Activate Your Telegram Premium Account with Automated BOT Replies

I was searching for a way to activate my Telegram premium account with a BOT that could reply automatically to my customers. I found a solution and now I am sharing with you how to do it and how to activate it to access better BOT functionalities.

Create Your Bot Using ‘@botfather’

Start by creating your bot using the ‘@botfather’ bot on Telegram.

Activate ‘Business Mode’ in Bot Settings

Once you have created your bot, go to ‘Bot Setting’ and activate ‘Business Mode’ to enable more advanced features.

Set Up ChatBots in Your Profile Settings

In your profile settings, navigate to ‘Telegram Business’ and tap on ‘ChatBots’. This will allow you to configure and manage your chatbots.

Final Step: Add Your Bot

Type the username of the bot you created in the previous steps and then you can start using it to automate replies and interact with your customers.



COP28 President’s Inspiring Address

Dr. Sultan Al Jaber, the President of COP28, delivered an inspirational address at the Global Faith Leaders’ Summit in Abu Dhabi. During this significant gathering, he received the ‘Abu Dhabi Interfaith Statement on climate change’ from faith leaders and committed to carrying their message forward to the world at COP28.

Faith Leaders Unite for Planetary Resurgence

The Faith Leaders’ Summit, held under the patronage of His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the UAE, was a momentous event attended by prominent figures, including Sheikh Nahyan bin Mubarak Al Nahyan, Minister of Tolerance and Coexistence; His Eminence Professor Mohamed Al Duwani representing Al Azhar Al Sharif, and His Eminence Cardinal Pietro Parolin, representing His Holiness Pope Francis. In addition to religious leaders, the summit saw participation from academics and environmental experts, and it featured a video address by António Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations.

The Abu Dhabi Interfaith Statement for COP28

The highlight of the summit was the signing of the ‘Confluence of Conscience: Uniting for Planetary Resurgence,’ also known as ‘The Abu Dhabi Interfaith Statement for COP28.’ This historic commitment by 28 faith leaders focuses on addressing climate change and raising climate ambitions in preparation for COP28, scheduled to take place in Dubai at the end of November. The statement was a product of months of collaboration and was signed during the event, organized by the Muslim Council of Elders (MCE) in partnership with the COP28 Presidency, the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), and the UAE Ministry of Tolerance and Coexistence.

A Powerful Call for Climate Action

Dr. Al Jaber hailed ‘The Abu Dhabi Interfaith Statement for COP28’ as “a powerful statement of intent that the whole world needs to hear.” He emphasized that it is a call for urgency, unity, solidarity, responsibility, and hope. Addressing the diverse faith leaders, he acknowledged their role as the custodians of beliefs and aspirations shared by people worldwide, highlighting their collective faith as a powerful voice for many communities often unheard. He applauded the unity of faiths around a common goal, emphasizing that even in a divided world, unity around climate action is possible.


Matthew Perry Passed Away

Matthew Perry Passed Away

We’re heartbroken to share the news that Matthew Perry, beloved for his iconic role on the hit TV show ‘Friends,’ has passed away at the age of 54. Known for bringing warmth and laughter into our homes, Matthew left us this Saturday. He will always be remembered as an integral part of the close-knit group of friends navigating life in Manhattan on the classic NBC series.

Thanks Matthew Perry for all the laughter and smiles you brought for us

MJ Dastouri


Chandler Bing was portrayed by Matthew Perry on the classic American TV sitcom “Friends,” which aired from 1994 to 2004. This iconic character was known for his quick wit, self-deprecating humor, and sarcastic quips, which often served as a coping mechanism for his insecurities and uncomfortable situations. Despite his exterior demeanor, Chandler was deeply loyal to his friends and had a vulnerable side that was gradually revealed over the show’s 10-year run.

Professionally, Chandler worked in statistical analysis and data reconfiguration, a job he found utterly unfulfilling. This dissatisfaction led to some pivotal moments on the show, including his decision to quit and pursue a career in advertising, which he found more rewarding.

His relationship with Monica Geller, another main character on the show, was a central storyline. Initially platonic friends, their relationship blossomed into romance and eventually marriage, challenging Chandler’s fears around commitment. Over the seasons, Monica’s unwavering support helped him face his insecurities and become a better, more confident person.

Chandler’s friendship with Joey Tribbiani was another key aspect of his character. Their bromance provided many memorable moments, from building a homemade entertainment unit to adopting a ceramic dog named “Pat the Dog.” Through thick and thin, their friendship showcased Chandler’s softer, nurturing side, especially when he helped Joey navigate the challenges of acting and dating.

Matthew Perry, Beloved as Chandler Bing, Passes Away at 54

We are saddened to announce the passing of Matthew Perry, best known for his unforgettable role as Chandler Bing in the much-loved sitcom “Friends.” He was 54 years old.

Confirmation and Cause of Death

Capt. Scot Williams from the LAPD’s Robbery-Homicide division has verified the loss. While the exact cause of death remains undetermined, authorities have found no signs of foul play.

An Icon in American Television

Matthew Perry became a household name in American television, with his role in “Friends” standing out as particularly iconic. He appeared in all 10 seasons of the groundbreaking NBC series, sharing the screen with other accomplished actors like Jennifer Aniston, David Schwimmer, and Lisa Kudrow.

The Unforgettable Chandler Bing

Perry’s portrayal of Chandler Bing was unforgettable, especially for his sharp and sarcastic humor.

“Friends” Lives On

Despite premiering back in 1994, “Friends” continues to captivate new generations and remains popular among young viewers even today.

A Prolific Career Spanning Four Decades

While most famous for “Friends,” Matthew Perry’s television career actually spanned close to 40 years. His first acting credit dates back to 1979 when he was just a child, appearing in an episode of the police series “240-Robert,” as per IMDb records. He took on the role of Chandler Bing when he was 24.


Poems from Rumi

A few weeks back, in the cozy corner of our home, I shared a mesmerizing Rumi poem with my beloved daughter, Darya. The words flowed like a river of emotions, and as I read, she didn’t just listen—she danced to the rhythm of the verses. It was an enchanting moment, where poetry met movement, and our souls intertwined with the eloquence of Rumi’s words. Allow me to take you to that enchanting world through the lines of this poem:

آمد بهار جان‌ها ای شاخ تر به رقص آ چون یوسف اندرآمد مصر و شکر به رقص آ
ای شاه عشق پرور مانند شیر مادر ای شیرجوش دررو جان پدر به رقص آ
چوگان زلف دیدی چون گوی دررسیدی از پا و سر بریدی بی‌پا و سر به رقص آ
تیغی به دست خونی آمد مرا که چونی گفتم بیا که خیر است گفتا نه شر به رقص آ
از عشق تاجداران در چرخ او چو باران آن جا قبا چه باشد ای خوش کمر به رقص آ
ای مست هست گشته بر تو فنا نبشته رقعه فنا رسیده بهر سفر به رقص آ
در دست جام باده آمد بتم پیاده گر نیستی تو ماده زان شاه نر به رقص آ
پایان جنگ آمد آواز چنگ آمد یوسف ز چاه آمد ای بی‌هنر به رقص آ
تا چند وعده باشد وین سر به سجده باشد هجرم ببرده باشد دنگ و اثر به رقص آ
کی باشد آن زمانی گوید مرا فلانی کای بی‌خبر فنا شو ای باخبر به رقص آ
طاووس ما درآید وان رنگ‌ها برآید با مرغ جان سراید بی‌بال و پر به رقص آ
کور و کران عالم دید از مسیح مرهم گفته مسیح مریم کای کور و کر به رقص آ
مخدوم شمس دین است تبریز رشک چین است اندر بهار حسنش شاخ و شجر به رقص آ
Spring has come, O soul, dance with joy,
Like Joseph who came to Egypt, dance with thanks.
O nurturer of love, like a mother lion,
O bubbling fountain, dance with your father’s soul.
When you saw the ball of hair, like a rolling sphere,
You cut off your head and feet, yet still, dance.
With a sword in hand, you came, covered in blood,
I said, “Come, for it is good,” you said, “No, it’s bad,” yet still, dance.
From the love of kings, in His realm like rain,
What does a robe matter there, O charming one, dance.
O intoxicated one, you have become non-existent,
The scroll of non-existence has reached for the journey, dance.
With a cup of wine in hand, the idol came on foot,
If you are not material, from that male lion, dance.
The end of the war came, the sound of the harp came,
Joseph came out of the well, O inexperienced one, dance.
How long will you make promises, and this head bowed in prostration,
My absence has been long, yet there is still an effect, dance.
When will that time come when someone says to me,
“O you unaware one, become non-existent,” O informed one, dance.
Our peacock will come, and those colors will appear,
With the bird of the soul’s serenade, wingless and featherless, dance.
The blind and deaf of the world saw, thanks to the Messiah’s ointment,
Mary, the Messiah, said, “O blind and deaf one, dance.”
The Sun of Religion is our Master, Tabriz, the envy of China,
In the spring of His beauty, branch and tree, dance.

The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattle

The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles

Chapter 1: Introduction to the Science of Getting Rich

Discover how anyone can achieve wealth and prosperity by understanding and applying the principles of the Science of Getting Rich.

Chapter 2: The Power of Thought

Explore the concept of thinking in a certain way and how it is a crucial factor in achieving wealth. Emphasizes the power of positive thinking and mindset.

Chapter 3: The Right Way to Become Wealthy

Discuss the importance of focusing on the creation of wealth rather than merely aiming for a specific job or position. Learn strategies for making money and becoming financially successful.

Chapter 4: The Power of Gratitude

Introduce the concept of gratitude as a key component of wealth creation. Encourage appreciation for what one already has as a way to attract more abundance into one’s life.

Chapter 5: The Importance of Continuous Learning

Highlight the significance of continuously expanding knowledge and gaining valuable information to create wealth. Encourage readers to invest in self-improvement through reading and learning.

Chapter 6: Building Positive Relationships

Emphasize the importance of maintaining positive relationships and treating others with respect. Explain how collaboration and cooperation can contribute to the accumulation of wealth.

Chapter 7: The Power of Vision and Creativity

Discuss the importance of developing a clear vision and purpose, as well as having faith in one’s ability to achieve wealth. Emphasize the role of creativity and ideas in the process.

Chapter 8: Taking Action and Persistence

Introduce the concept of taking action and provide practical steps for implementing the principles discussed throughout the book. Highlight the importance of persistence and perseverance.

Chapter 9: The Spiritual Aspect of Wealth

Explore the spiritual aspects of wealth creation, emphasizing the connection between personal success and contributing positively to the world. Encourage generosity and service to others.

Chapter 10: Summarizing the Science of Getting Rich

Summarize the main principles discussed in the book and reinforce the idea that anyone can achieve wealth by diligently applying these principles. Encourage readers to seize opportunities and take control of their financial destiny.

General concept of life

Discovering Your True Potential: Becoming the Person You Want to Be through Self-Reflection and Personal Growth

Discovering Your True Potential: Becoming the Person You Want to Be through Self-Reflection and Personal Growth

Knowing who you are and becoming the person you want to be is a transformative journey that requires self-awareness, growth, and deliberate action. It begins with a deep understanding of your true potential and a vision of the person you aspire to become. Here are some steps to guide you on this path:

  1. Embrace self-reflection: Take time to reflect on your values, beliefs, strengths, and weaknesses. What are your passions and interests? What brings you joy and fulfillment? Honest self-reflection will help you understand your authentic self and align your actions with your core values.
  2. Cultivate a clear vision: Envision the person you want to be. What qualities and characteristics define that person? What goals and achievements do you aspire to? Visualize this future version of yourself with clarity and detail. A strong vision acts as a compass, guiding your decisions and actions.
  3. Set meaningful goals: Break down your vision into smaller, actionable goals. These goals should challenge and inspire you, stretching your abilities. Write them down and create a plan to achieve them. Regularly review and adjust your goals to keep yourself motivated and on track.
  4. Cultivate positive habits: Your daily habits shape who you are and who you will become. Identify habits that align with your vision and support your personal growth. These may include activities like reading, exercising, meditating, or learning new skills. Consistently practicing positive habits will help you become the person you want to be.
  5. Surround yourself with positive influences: Seek out mentors, role models, and like-minded individuals who inspire and uplift you. Surround yourself with people who support your growth and share similar values. Their positive influence can propel you forward on your journey.
  6. Embrace continuous learning: Commit to lifelong learning and personal development. Read books, attend seminars, take courses, and expand your knowledge and skills. Growth is an ongoing process, and the more you learn, the more you can bring to your personal transformation.