Point of View about Business Life

Value Arbitrage

Value Arbitrage

Value arbitrage is an investment strategy that seeks to identify and exploit mispricings in securities or assets by buying undervalued assets and selling overvalued assets with the goal of generating a profit. This strategy is based on the belief that the market will eventually correct these mispricings, resulting in the convergence of prices towards their true value. In essence, value arbitrage involves taking advantage of the difference between an asset’s current market price and its perceived intrinsic value.

Some common types of value arbitrage include:

Merger arbitrage: buying the stock of a company that is being acquired, with the expectation that the stock price will increase upon the completion of the merger

Statistical arbitrage: using statistical models and algorithms to identify mispricings in securities and take advantage of price disparities

Distressed debt arbitrage: buying the debt of financially troubled companies at a discount, with the expectation that the company will recover and the debt will increase in value

Event-driven arbitrage: taking advantage of changes in a company or industry due to specific events such as mergers, acquisitions, spin-offs, or bankruptcies.

It is important to note that value arbitrage can be a high-risk, high-reward strategy and requires careful research and analysis before making any investment decisions.

Point of View about Business Life

Business And Problem Solving

Business And Problem Solving

Business is about the solving of people’s problem and charging them accordingly.

Some of us are inherited with business opportunities and facilities which is truly a gift and to appreciate this gift, the study of how previous generation were solving people’s problem and now how we can do that is coming to play.

I am one of them. Gifted. Recently got to know we have this gift of character where people feel comfortable with us and do bring their problems in their industries and asks for solutions. Related or close to our business. Isn’t that great?

Just, in this abundant world We must do more of networking! to be able to help more of people!