General concept of life



Reasons: we are reasons of ourselves, I can be reason of others too. Me with help of others can be reasons of other beings. We can Create. We can move things and enjoy. We can be reason of others happiness. I can bring to life the idea of other beings in my head.

Yes, it is true that our actions and choices can have an impact on the happiness and well-being of others. When we act with kindness and compassion, we can bring joy and positivity to the lives of those around us. On the other hand, our actions can also have a negative impact on others if we are thoughtless or harmful in our words or actions.

There are many ways that we can be a source of happiness for others, such as:

  • Showing genuine care and concern for others
  • Offering help and support when needed
  • Being a good listener and providing emotional support
  • Doing small acts of kindness, such as bringing someone a gift or doing a favor for them
  • Being positive and optimistic, and helping others to see the good in situations
  • Celebrating the accomplishments and milestones of others

By being mindful of the ways in which our actions can affect others, we can strive to be a positive influence in the world and bring happiness to those around us.

Hormones and Me How to make myself better

Why we get Sad?

Why we get Sad?

Considering watching “Inside Out” – 2015, The movie, Sadness is cold and blue! Well, I am blue now! I guess it is good!

I just remember “Wreck-it Ralph!”, Quote:

I’m bad, and that’s good! I will never be good, and that’s not bad!

“Wreck-it Ralph!” 2012

Then when I am sad, there is good thing about it and I seek the good in it. Please write me if you see the good in sadness for these times.

There are many different reasons why we might feel sad, and the specific cause can vary from person to person. Here are five potential reasons why we might experience sadness:

  1. Life transitions or changes: Sadness can often be a natural response to significant life transitions or changes, such as moving to a new place, ending a relationship, or experiencing a loss. These events can be difficult to adjust to and can cause us to feel sad or overwhelmed.
  2. Unmet needs or expectations: We may feel sad if we feel that our needs or expectations are not being met, whether they are related to our relationships, career, or personal goals. This can be especially true if we feel that we are not making progress or achieving our desired outcomes.
  3. Personal challenges or struggles: Life can be tough at times, and we may experience sadness as a result of personal challenges or struggles, such as health issues, financial difficulties, or relationship problems.
  4. Trauma or grief: Experiencing trauma or grief, such as the loss of a loved one, can be extremely difficult and can lead to feelings of sadness.
  5. Mental health issues: In some cases, sadness may be a symptom of a mental health issue, such as depression. If you are experiencing persistent or severe sadness, it is important to seek help from a mental health professional.

Overall, there are many different reasons why we might feel sad, and it is important to take care of ourselves and seek support when needed.

“Inside Out”

In the movie “Inside Out,” the character of Sadness is portrayed as an important and necessary emotion that helps people process and cope with difficult experiences. The movie suggests that sadness serves a purpose and can be helpful in certain situations.

One reason why sadness is portrayed as good in the movie is because it can help people cope with loss or change. When we feel sad, we are more likely to slow down and take time to process our emotions, which can be helpful when dealing with difficult experiences. Sadness can also be a way of expressing our feelings and seeking support from others, which can be important for our emotional well-being.

Additionally, the movie suggests that sadness can help us appreciate the positive aspects of our lives. By experiencing sadness, we can gain perspective and come to appreciate the good things in our lives more fully.

Overall, the movie “Inside Out” suggests that sadness is a natural and important emotion that can serve a useful purpose in helping us cope with difficult experiences and appreciate the good things in our lives.

“Wreck-it Ralph”

Wreck-It Ralph is a animated film about a video game character named Ralph, who is tired of being the “bad guy” in his game and sets out to prove that he can be a hero. Along the way, he meets a variety of characters from different video games, including a tough-as-nails soldier named Calhoun and a mischievous glitch named Vanellope.

As Ralph embarks on his journey, he faces a number of challenges and learns valuable lessons about friendship, loyalty, and the importance of being true to oneself. Ultimately, he realizes that being a hero doesn’t necessarily mean being the best or the strongest, but rather being true to oneself and standing up for what is right.

Throughout the movie, Ralph is pursued by the main antagonist, a character named King Candy, who is determined to stop Ralph from achieving his goals. The movie builds to an exciting and heartwarming climax, as Ralph and his friends come together to defeat King Candy and save the day.

Overall, Wreck-It Ralph is an entertaining and uplifting film that celebrates the power of friendship and the importance of being true to oneself.

General concept of life

Love can project into 3D (3 dimensional world)

Love can project into 3D (3 dimensional world)

Today I was thinking about the previous post of mine here about the love in higher dimensions. This is the art of human beings to project the love into 3D and time. Time can play crucial role in this projection.

How long for what price are you willing to be persistent to love consistently?

Like “To be kind is a feature”, To love is a feature too, it is well practiced character within “to love”.

Ah, my shoulders 🙂

Point of View about Business Life

Business And Problem Solving

Business And Problem Solving

Business is about the solving of people’s problem and charging them accordingly.

Some of us are inherited with business opportunities and facilities which is truly a gift and to appreciate this gift, the study of how previous generation were solving people’s problem and now how we can do that is coming to play.

I am one of them. Gifted. Recently got to know we have this gift of character where people feel comfortable with us and do bring their problems in their industries and asks for solutions. Related or close to our business. Isn’t that great?

Just, in this abundant world We must do more of networking! to be able to help more of people!

General concept of life

Love Does Not fit in 3 Dimensional World

Love Does Not fit in 3 Dimensional World

Why should it make sense when a love partner is growing and the other pour everything he/she has for the other partner and they don’t receive back.

A mom as an example: She Spend her love to the kids. Does it make sense? of course in Love world not always 2+2=4 (two plus two equals to four).

point of view about IT world

iPhone 14 Pro 256GB

iPhone 14 Pro 256GB

We had an opportunity and I used it.

I got the iPhone 14 Pro 256GB to resell it at higher price! I must say as an Apple lover who saw the first iPhone as a “breakthrough” device this device was not such.

Made a photo of my dog, when she saw the iPhone, sheYawed!

The photo quality did not differ much from my Huawei P30 Lite to be honest. I must emphasize on the marketing work of Apple! It is unique in its kind and the greatest in human history.

General concept of life

I’m not parenting yet

I’m not parenting yet.

Yet I think the fact to let the next generation feel a “good morning” and the “bright day”, it is quite a bit challenging.

How to prepare everything in advance to let their youth energy of days flow through these well prepared structures.

Maybe they need to be alone for some time to feel the “good morning”

Certainly the life holds its up and downs throughout time and the youth are exposed to time anyway.

General concept of life

Everything on its timeline

Everything on its timeline

It really takes time and energy to make me understand that everything is good on its own time in my life

Why to ask and be in hurry for things that yet their time didn’t arrive yet.

Nature is the best consultant “The lake house”

It is true that some things in life take time, and that we cannot always control when or how things happen. However, it is also important to remember that we have the power to influence and shape our own lives through our actions and choices. While we cannot control everything that happens to us, we can take steps to pursue our goals and work towards the things we want in life.

It is also important to recognize that sometimes waiting for something to happen can be challenging, and it can be easy to become discouraged or lose motivation. In these situations, it can be helpful to focus on the things that we can control, such as our attitudes and behaviors, and to find ways to stay positive and motivated.

Ultimately, it is important to have patience and to trust that everything will come to us in its own time, while also taking action and making the most of the opportunities that come our way.

General concept of life



Sometimes it’s you wanting things. Then there you go you going to face slow downs and then you ask yourself why

Sometimes you have to wait and move with lower pace, if you really want it you should be a strong enough to be patient for it

General concept of life

To be pleasant enough

To be pleasant enough

To enter each other’s world is people s daily routine.

The question for us is how pleasantly we prepared ourselves to be explored.

The kingdom which you are the king of it, how well it is groomed?!

How much are you ready to host others?

To understand and greet them

Read “The Art of Influence: Persuading Others Begins With You” by Chris Widener. Link here

He clearly mentions in the book about the art of fishing not hunting. to be the person of undivided integrity. To Put people’s interest before your interest and to spend well for education of others when you receive well.

Here are some key points from the book:

  • Influence is the ability to affect the thoughts, feelings, and actions of others.
  • To be influential, you must first have a clear understanding of your own values, beliefs, and goals, and be confident in your ability to achieve them.
  • To persuade others, you must be able to clearly communicate your ideas and present them in a compelling manner.
  • To be effective at influencing others, you must be able to connect with them on an emotional level and build trust and rapport.
  • Empathy and understanding are key to building successful relationships and persuading others.
  • To be a successful influencer, you must be willing to listen to others and be open to their ideas and perspectives.
  • To persuade others, you must be able to clearly communicate the benefits of your ideas and how they can help achieve the other person’s goals.

What is Overthinking

What is Overthinking

based on

“Many of us are familiar with the experience of overthinking, even if we haven’t defined it as such. Generally, “overthinking” refers to the process of repetitive, unproductive thought. Since thoughts can be focused on many different things, research has generally differentiated between “rumination” about the past and present, and “worry” about the future. Regardless of which word we use, we are talking about constant thought loops that don’t seem to have a resolution.”

Overthinking will be the time where the frequency of our hesitation between choices in near future will get extremely high, so that the confusion will spin us around ourselves.

  • Which one is mine?
  • To do or not to do.
  • If not these/those, then what?

…Only some examples, does it ring the bell?

Hormones and Me How to make myself better

Coffee and productivity

Coffee and productivity

How about the effect of coffee on my brain and the relationship of it with my daily productivity?

Is it possible that coffee helps me to think more clear and make better decisions?

I have tried to understand this since 2012 and God I must quit my jobs and study about it thoroughly to make sure i know what i am saying. Yet there is not time for that, therefore I prefer to Speak based on my own daily experiences!