Hormones and Me How to make myself better

Dopamine and Life 8 July 2023

The Impact of Dopamine-Evoking Activities on Our Lives

Neurobiological Impact of Pornography

It becomes obvious why things like pornography, not just its accessibility but also its intensity, can negatively shape real-world romantic and sexual interactions. This is a serious concern that is currently being discussed. The underlying neurobiological mechanisms explain why engaging in activities that evoke a lot of dopamine release, such as pornography, can make it harder to achieve the same level of pleasure and satisfaction in subsequent interactions.

Moral and Ethical Considerations

However, it’s important to note that discussing the ethical and moral aspects of pornography is separate from understanding its impact on neurobiology. Whether or not people like or dislike pornography is a subjective matter that individuals need to decide for themselves based on factors like age and personal values.

Dopamine, Addiction, and Real-world Interactions

That being said, any activity that triggers a significant release of dopamine can potentially lead to addiction. When someone consistently pursues a drug or activity that causes large dopamine increases, their baseline dopamine levels drop due to the depletion of dopamine in the brain’s readily releasable pool. As a result, they may feel lousy or experience challenges in real-world interactions.

The Vicious Cycle of Dopamine Release

In some cases, individuals mistakenly believe that engaging in the same dopamine-releasing activity will bring back the initial peak and raise their baseline levels again. However, this pursuit often leads to further dopamine depletion, making it increasingly difficult to experience pleasure. This pattern is observed not only with pornography but also with other addictive behaviors like excessive video gaming.

Consequences of Addiction

Addiction can lead to a progressive narrowing of the activities that bring pleasure, causing individuals to lose interest in other aspects of life, such as relationships, academics, and well-being. Eventually, they may even experience severe depression, which can have devastating consequences, including suicidal ideation.

Dopamine and a Balanced Lifestyle

In a more typical scenario, where someone maintains a balanced lifestyle, regularly engaging in activities that evoke dopamine release, such as exercising, drinking alcohol, or indulging in pleasurable foods, can still have an impact. While these activities may appear infrequent or moderate individually, dopamine is evoked by all of them. Over time, consistently spiking dopamine levels can lead to a progressive drop in the baseline level, resulting in a feeling of burnout, reduced energy, and diminished pleasure.

Understanding Dopamine: Peaks and Baselines

It’s important to recognize that dopamine plays a significant role in craving, motivation, desire, and pleasure. However, maintaining a healthy balance is crucial. Understanding the relationship between dopamine peaks and baselines can help individuals make informed choices to preserve and potentially elevate their baseline dopamine levels while still experiencing occasional peaks of motivation and desire.

The Key to Balanced Dopamine Levels

Engaging in enjoyable activities is an essential part of life, and dopamine itself is a valuable neurotransmitter. The key lies in comprehending how peaks and baselines interact and influence each other, enabling individuals to make conscious decisions that support their dopamine levels in the short and long term. By doing so, one can maintain or even raise their baseline dopamine levels while still experiencing the positive effects of dopamine peaks, which are integral to personal growth and life progression.

Here is the whole thing in much simpler words refer to this link

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How to Master Our Emotions?

How to Master Our Emotions?

Mastering our emotions can be a challenging task, but with practice and dedication, it is possible to gain greater control over our emotional responses. Here are some tips to help you master your emotions:

  1. Practice mindfulness: Mindfulness is the practice of being present in the moment and observing our thoughts and emotions without judgment. By practicing mindfulness regularly, you can become more aware of your emotional responses and learn to regulate them more effectively.
  2. Identify your triggers: Take note of situations, people or events that tend to trigger intense emotional responses in you. Once you have identified your triggers, you can begin to develop strategies to manage your emotions in those situations.
  3. Reframe negative thoughts: Our emotions are often triggered by the way we think about a situation. By reframing negative thoughts and adopting a more positive perspective, you can shift your emotional response and reduce negative emotions such as anger, anxiety, and fear.
  4. Practice self-care: Taking care of yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally can help you manage your emotions more effectively. Make sure you are getting enough sleep, exercise, and nutrition, and practice activities that help you relax and reduce stress, such as yoga or meditation.
  5. Seek support: It’s important to have a support system in place to help you manage your emotions. This could include friends, family members, or a mental health professional.

Keep in mind, to get in to a position where we become the master of our emotions is a lifelong journey, and it’s okay to make mistakes in this journey and experience intense emotions time to time. With practice and dedication, however, you can learn to manage your emotions more effectively and lead a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Hormones and Me How to make myself better

Why we get Sad?

Why we get Sad?

Considering watching “Inside Out” – 2015, The movie, Sadness is cold and blue! Well, I am blue now! I guess it is good!

I just remember “Wreck-it Ralph!”, Quote:

I’m bad, and that’s good! I will never be good, and that’s not bad!

“Wreck-it Ralph!” 2012

Then when I am sad, there is good thing about it and I seek the good in it. Please write me if you see the good in sadness for these times.

There are many different reasons why we might feel sad, and the specific cause can vary from person to person. Here are five potential reasons why we might experience sadness:

  1. Life transitions or changes: Sadness can often be a natural response to significant life transitions or changes, such as moving to a new place, ending a relationship, or experiencing a loss. These events can be difficult to adjust to and can cause us to feel sad or overwhelmed.
  2. Unmet needs or expectations: We may feel sad if we feel that our needs or expectations are not being met, whether they are related to our relationships, career, or personal goals. This can be especially true if we feel that we are not making progress or achieving our desired outcomes.
  3. Personal challenges or struggles: Life can be tough at times, and we may experience sadness as a result of personal challenges or struggles, such as health issues, financial difficulties, or relationship problems.
  4. Trauma or grief: Experiencing trauma or grief, such as the loss of a loved one, can be extremely difficult and can lead to feelings of sadness.
  5. Mental health issues: In some cases, sadness may be a symptom of a mental health issue, such as depression. If you are experiencing persistent or severe sadness, it is important to seek help from a mental health professional.

Overall, there are many different reasons why we might feel sad, and it is important to take care of ourselves and seek support when needed.

“Inside Out”

In the movie “Inside Out,” the character of Sadness is portrayed as an important and necessary emotion that helps people process and cope with difficult experiences. The movie suggests that sadness serves a purpose and can be helpful in certain situations.

One reason why sadness is portrayed as good in the movie is because it can help people cope with loss or change. When we feel sad, we are more likely to slow down and take time to process our emotions, which can be helpful when dealing with difficult experiences. Sadness can also be a way of expressing our feelings and seeking support from others, which can be important for our emotional well-being.

Additionally, the movie suggests that sadness can help us appreciate the positive aspects of our lives. By experiencing sadness, we can gain perspective and come to appreciate the good things in our lives more fully.

Overall, the movie “Inside Out” suggests that sadness is a natural and important emotion that can serve a useful purpose in helping us cope with difficult experiences and appreciate the good things in our lives.

“Wreck-it Ralph”

Wreck-It Ralph is a animated film about a video game character named Ralph, who is tired of being the “bad guy” in his game and sets out to prove that he can be a hero. Along the way, he meets a variety of characters from different video games, including a tough-as-nails soldier named Calhoun and a mischievous glitch named Vanellope.

As Ralph embarks on his journey, he faces a number of challenges and learns valuable lessons about friendship, loyalty, and the importance of being true to oneself. Ultimately, he realizes that being a hero doesn’t necessarily mean being the best or the strongest, but rather being true to oneself and standing up for what is right.

Throughout the movie, Ralph is pursued by the main antagonist, a character named King Candy, who is determined to stop Ralph from achieving his goals. The movie builds to an exciting and heartwarming climax, as Ralph and his friends come together to defeat King Candy and save the day.

Overall, Wreck-It Ralph is an entertaining and uplifting film that celebrates the power of friendship and the importance of being true to oneself.

Hormones and Me How to make myself better

Coffee and productivity

Coffee and productivity

How about the effect of coffee on my brain and the relationship of it with my daily productivity?

Is it possible that coffee helps me to think more clear and make better decisions?

I have tried to understand this since 2012 and God I must quit my jobs and study about it thoroughly to make sure i know what i am saying. Yet there is not time for that, therefore I prefer to Speak based on my own daily experiences!

Hormones and Me How to make myself better



These days I adore myself reading about Dopamine and understanding more about tiny tiny production of this golden hormone in my body. What is this so effective in my blood stream?

Why do I do need Dopamine?

Why am I so seeking to have it?

Should I make it up and down?

Does the fluctuation of the Dopamine help me to motivate myself?

dopamin, mj,dastouri,